Music from Chango for Space Cowboy!

Hi everyone!

As you might have guessed - the Demo will take a little longer than expected. But I have great news for Space Cowboy: The most epic Stoner Rock Band Chango will support Space Cowboy with a couple of songs! Their songs will be available within the game on one of the Radio Stations! 

You can find all infos and tunes of Chango here: 

About the band (from bandcamp):

 "Chango (*2009) delivers roaring instrumental Stoner-Rock sometimes supported by profound lyrics in austrian dialect. The arrangements are varied and the performance is dynamic, heavy but also levitating. When you see Chango performing, when you feel them, when you hear them, their spirit won't leave you for a long time, in some cases never again. So take your spoolful of Chango, but be careful." 

So cool!


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